
Monday, October 14, 2013

Go Wildcats - Update!

oops, Heather finished the top 32 in the STATE not the district (blame it on pregnancy brain!) Regardless, we are super excited!!



Signature Holly

Go Wildcats!

We are so proud of Heather. She made it to the finals in the high school tennis sectional tournament and then on Saturday played in the district tournament. She finished in the top 32 for her district which is awesome! Scott tried to take some action photos through the fences. It was a great fall day to sit outside and watch her play. Thanks to everyone who came out to cheer her on this season! Next up is spirit week this week, then homecoming on Saturday.

Signature Holly



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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Happy Birthday Scott!

Last week we celebrated Scott's 44th Birthday :) Here are a few pics from the weekend. Since we weren't really sure if the babies would make their debut yet it included some awesome home grilled steaks, lots of sweat treats, a Breaking Bad Marathon (addicted) and some OSU Football! (Go Bucks!)

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It looks like the next birthday in the house is going to be 10/22 - the official date for the girls if they don't come before then! I really can't believe they are still baking!

Happy Sunday :)
Signature Holly