Wow, to say I am behind on blogging is an understatement considering my last post was Christmas. To say winter was dreary and cold was an understatement and I am pretty sure House of Cards and Scandal consumed all my free time. But Spring is here and we are well into spring cleaning, spring clothes (at least organizing them!) and spring flowers! The girls and I bought some pansies yesterday and we were all very excited!

I always get asked what its like to take care of two and a bunch of blogs I read have been doing a "day in the life" post so here goes. At least this is a snapshot of today. I tried to take a few pics!
5:15AM: Up. Alarm was set for 5:30 but I couldn't sleep (odd) and decided to get up and workout before the girls got up. 30 minute workout, quick breakfast and quick email check for work. (I am off today as Scott and Heather are on Spring Break looking at colleges...another post on that coming soon!)
7:00AM: Girls up. Gracie Fed. Girls Fed. Do hair, get them dressed. Play.

7:45AM: Breakfast for the girls. Today was cinnamon raisin bagels, strawberries a smoothie and some juice. I typically make my snack while they eat when I am home. Today was a protein smoothie for me. They love the blender. If its a work day I am out the door by 7:30. (Maybe we will do a "daddy daycare day" next!)

We just started sitting at the bar so I had to get some cute placemats :) And we hung our green banner behind them for our Spring decorations.
8:00AM: Everyone upstairs. They climb the stairs now which is usually a race filled with giggles. Unless someone gets distracted :) We put them in excersaucers while we get ready in the a.m. They are way to big for them but they jump and spin and it works. I shower, get dressed, make bed etc. I have back-up magnet letters ready for them to play with if they get antsy while I dry my hair. Today they were just bouncing and spinning away. They also like to brush their teeth when we do. Its most likely the bubble gum tooth paste.
8:45AM: Head to their room for reading time. They like to get all their books out, sort them and play with their animals. We try to read 30-45 min a day in the morning.

Today they both wanted to sit on my lap. Katherine just learned to say "duck" so Mr. Duck joined us too.
9:45AM: Time for "Little Bear". Our new favorite DVD. We watch it for about 30 minutes and I clean up toys, throw laundry in, eat my snack and quickly check work email.
10:00AM: Snack time! Today was colby cheese and applesauce. And we had some visitors! My friend from work brought over some puzzles and clothes for the girls.
10:15AM: Playtime. We head to the basement and play in our playroom. Anywhere they go they pretty much sort anything they can find and put it in a container. You just find piles of random toys around the house :)
11:30AM: Lunch! Today is a hotdog, avocado, green beans, smoothie, cottage cheese and blueberries.
12:00PM: Playtime / Storytime. This is kind of a weird time because they are tired but usually a few stories do the trick.
12:30PM: NAP TIME! Yeah, Katherine slept until 3pm and Savannah until 2pm. Savannah and I watched Frozen for a bit and read some more stories and ate Goldfish while Katherine slept. She likes to hold your hand while watching Frozen. So cute.

3:30PM: Another Snack. This time its bananas, crackers, more goldfish and some juice. I have one too! :) Apple and peanut butter for me. Yum.

Katherine still has her "nap pants" on. I let them watch a little more Frozen while they eat so I can get my shoes/coat on and get ready to go to the grocery.
4:00PM: Off to the grocery. We have a new love of double carts! Thankfully we made it to the store before it snowed. My technique with loading both of them is to get Katherine out first. She is much better and standing next to me. Savannah darts out into the street ready to explore! So I load one, grab the other and we are off. Katherine was insistent of taking "Dolly" with her so they are all 3 strapped in so we don't lose her!

4:45PM: Back in the car. I packed some bottles so they drink those on our way home.
5:00PM: Facetime Daddy! We miss them!!
5:15PM: I turn on Daniel the Tiger so I can make dinner quickly. I am having leftovers but I try to sit at the table with the girls at least for a few so we can all eat together.
5:30PM: Dinner! Tonight we have macaroni and cheese, peas, butternut squash, more cottage cheese, cantaloupe and some rasberries.
6:00PM: Playtime. This is typically their silly time. They chase Gracie, dump a billion toys and usually are pretty crazy.
6:30PM: Time for "Little Bear". We watch a few minutes together and then I give them their bottle and run upstairs to get the bath ready.
7:00PM: Upstairs for bath and stories!
7:35PM: I change, gather laundry and head back downstairs. By this time the dishwasher is done from dinner, I empty it, make dinner for tomorrow (we make it a night in advance since the girls eat dinner so early) and I am back on the computer!
8:30PM: Chill out for the night.
9:30PM: Time for bed! Whew! Excited for Scott and Heather to get home!
So that sums up today! This is pretty typical for a weekend day when I am home. Its been so nice being home with the girls while Scott is gone. I am going to have withdrawal when I go back to work. They are changing so fast! Here's a few silly pics of the girls and I from this week and one of Heather at Princeton and in NYC!

Hopefully my next blog will be sooner rather than later! Happy Hump Day! (Well almost).