
Saturday, April 29, 2017

Hello May! 👙 Workout of the Month --> PLUS Detox Plan!

Hello May! I am excited for you! 🌸 Last month I started a cardio challenge and got totally burnt out. Between a new job and schedules at home (aka nap transition and no one sleeping at home), I just can't even think about doing another burpee or sprint right now. And those are the workouts I love. I even told a good friend at the beginning of the month that they were my "spirit" workout. lol. I think this was a sign my body needs a break. Or a detox!!

SO, long story short, we are detoxing this month. A mix of a nutritional overhaul and a little PiYo. Which is a mix of pilates and yoga and total body strength. And has a bonus you can totally do it barefoot on your patio in this amazing spring weather!!!

--> Download the workout plan here!

Next, let's chat detox. I recently got really into this blog called "I quit Sugar" and our habits as a family over the winter could use some improvements. So, I am doing the Ultimate Reset again. Except for this time, I am giving myself a week to detox before starting it. Which means cutting back on sugar and caffeine beforehand so it isn't as painful when the actual detox starts! You can read about my journey the first time around here: 

You can learn more about the detox here! Join me!  I hope this inspires you to have a happy and healthy May! 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Easter Inspiration for the Holiday Weekend --> My top 5 "healthyish" recipes!

It is hard to believe that Easter is just a few days away! In an effort not to eat a bucket full of jelly beans or completely derail all progress made this winter, I have come up with a few healthy inspirational holiday treats to help you celebrate this weekend. Here are my top 5 "healthyish" recipes to share this weekend with family and friends! And a little bonus inspiration at the end!

1) Strawberry Yogurt Carrots (These are also really cute to layer on top of a "Dirt" cake! I said they were "healthyish!")

2) Cheese and Cracker Chicks, perfect for toddlers or for an appetizer!

4) Greek Yogurt Fruit Tart, great for brunch or dessert!

5) Carrot Cake Cookies, the perfect snack, breakfast and freezable!

And finally, for those of you that are looking for some non-candy options for those Easter Baskets, here are a few awesome ideas! (I kind of want them all!) 

Happy Easter! Have a great holiday weekend!

Friday, April 7, 2017

My Story --> Keep Going! ❤️

When I first started of Beachbody I was ashamed to tell anyone. I had just had twins. Had just gone back to work and felt icky in my own body. None of my clothes fit. I was tired all the time and had no drive. I had this dark cloud hanging over me and I didn't know how to get out into the sunshine. On a whim, I started working out at 8:30pm at night in between night feedings, work, and pumping 6 x day. At first I worked out 10 minutes and quit. I slowly worked my way up. I really wasn't sure why I was sticking with it except every day I would wake up and there was a whole team of new friends and like-minded women who were going through the same thing. They would share their story and I felt like I could keep going. So I did. Everyday.

Fast forward 3 months and I became a coach. I honestly started because I wanted to get my workouts and nutrition free. We are a single income family of 5 and if I could provide a little more support and get healthy, it sounded like a win. So I kept going.

6 months later, I had lost 35lbs, transformed my schedule, found some sunshine and light and still had my tribe of women supporting me every step of the way. I decided to share my story with some of my friends. And I kept going.

People would ask me what I was doing and I would tell them, but I was still so worried what they would think. Why would a full time career women also want to coach? Why would you want to share your story on social media? What would people think? I kept going.

Fast forward to today. I kept going. I traveled to Nashville, TN and Sundance, UT on trips where I focused on leadership and self-development. I completed full workout programs 100%. I learned to organize my schedule to allow time for both me and my family.

I am still going. I am team Beachbody. I am a wife. A mom. A corporate IT professional. A lover of chocolate and wine, fan of yoga and still suffer from some dark spots. I have learned to find the tools to show me the light and live and set a healthy example for my family.

We eat clean. We are present. We hike. We play. We are healthy. I would have never imagined a 30 minute workout program would take me this far, but it is amazing how taking one small step can lead you on an awesome new path.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Best. Snack. Ever! (Chocolate, crunchy, healthy goodness!)

Ok, I lied. It isn't healthy. In fact it is a crazy amount of calories! Ah!

...Ha. April fools. lol. Did you really think I would share something that wasn't good for you!?!?

In all seriousness, this is the best snack ever! I have been wanting to make this for a while and finally got around to trying it.

It is seriously the most delicious mix of chocolate, peanut butter and a little crunch. And yeah, there is spinach hidden in there too!

Chocolate PB Crunch Protein Bowl:
1 scoop protein powder (chocolate Shakeology)
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
1/2 banana
1 cup spinach
Handful of ice.

Combine and blend for 60 seconds. It will be thick. Then add toppings! I added peanut butter, gluten free granola, chia seeds and unsweetened coconut (1 teaspoon of each approx.)

Seriously. Heaven.