When I first started of Beachbody I was ashamed to tell anyone. I had just had twins. Had just gone back to work and felt icky in my own body. None of my clothes fit. I was tired all the time and had no drive. I had this dark cloud hanging over me and I didn't know how to get out into the sunshine. On a whim, I started working out at 8:30pm at night in between night feedings, work, and pumping 6 x day. At first I worked out 10 minutes and quit. I slowly worked my way up. I really wasn't sure why I was sticking with it except every day I would wake up and there was a whole team of new friends and like-minded women who were going through the same thing. They would share their story and I felt like I could keep going. So I did. Everyday.
Fast forward 3 months and I became a coach. I honestly started because I wanted to get my workouts and nutrition free. We are a single income family of 5 and if I could provide a little more support and get healthy, it sounded like a win. So I kept going.
6 months later, I had lost 35lbs, transformed my schedule, found some sunshine and light and still had my tribe of women supporting me every step of the way. I decided to share my story with some of my friends. And I kept going.
People would ask me what I was doing and I would tell them, but I was still so worried what they would think. Why would a full time career women also want to coach? Why would you want to share your story on social media? What would people think? I kept going.
Fast forward to today. I kept going. I traveled to Nashville, TN and Sundance, UT on trips where I focused on leadership and self-development. I completed full workout programs 100%. I learned to organize my schedule to allow time for both me and my family.
I am still going. I am team Beachbody. I am a wife. A mom. A corporate IT professional. A lover of chocolate and wine, fan of yoga and still suffer from some dark spots. I have learned to find the tools to show me the light and live and set a healthy example for my family.
We eat clean. We are present. We hike. We play. We are healthy. I would have never imagined a 30 minute workout program would take me this far, but it is amazing how taking one small step can lead you on an awesome new path.