We wrapped up last week with 2 baby showers! (One from the Navigator girls and the other that Missy and Katie threw for the Columbus girls). It was an amazing weekend. We feel so blessed to have such support.
We also have made some major progress in terms of baby gear...not that we know how to use it but it is at least put together!
The nursery is about 95% complete, I am just waiting on a few bedding items that are on back order. More pics to come soon. Officially today we hit the 30 week mark which means if you are following statistical averages the girls will be here in 5 1/2 weeks. (AH) We go to the doctor Friday and then again for an ultra sound on September 3rd. At that point (32 weeks) they should be able to tell us more in terms of delivery options (at least that is what I am hoping!). I am feeling pretty good, just tired and started to swell more. (Both belly and feet!) Workouts are down to about once a week if we are lucky but still trying.
Yesterday we also celebrated Heather's first day back to school.
She is back in full swing playing varsity tennis and with a pretty intense schedule. Here's to a successful 2013 school year!
So much fun stuff happening! Good luck with the final weeks! Good luck to Heather on the start of school and tennis!