The pictures from the hospital are posted here. The girls are officially 2 weeks, 2 days old and have passed their official due date (10/30) which is very exciting! We have noticed in the past two weeks quite a few changes, including their extremely different personalities. Kate is very much a cuddle bug (Scott calls her "boo boo") as she loves to be held and curl up in a little ball next to you. Savannah on the other hand (nicknamed "scooby") loves to stretch out and climb (or attempt to) on your chest. She likes to be awake as much as possible, almost like she is afraid she is going to miss something. As of Wednesday Kate was weighing in at 5lbs 14 ounces and Savannah at 6lbs 4 ounces. We were very excited with their growth given their 10% weight loss in the hospital due my milk issues. Its so special when they are both awake and interacting with you. They have started to smile, make faces and even recognize our voices. We have slowly been integrating them downstairs with Gracie, putting them in their swings and bouncy chairs. I even attempted the baby bjorn carrier today and got to hold them both by myself while home alone. Quite an accomplishment!
This week was also a week of firsts including first holiday (Happy Halloween) and first bath! (And first formal photoshoot...we can't wait to see the formal pics, but one from our phone during the shoot is below.) The bath went well although both girls seemed pretty nervous and scared of the water at first but then realized it was relaxing. We still have yet to tackle the nail trim (I am nervous to do it) but we'll attempt that this weekend. Here are a few pics from the week. (Savannah is on the left in the formal pic, then Kate; Kate's bath pic is first, then Savannah's; Savannah is on the right in the Halloween pics)
Thanks again for everyone's support. The meals, Starbucks, donuts and help with feeding/logistics has been so helpful. We are starting to get on a little but of a schedule and for the most part our bodies are just adjusting to lack of sleep :) I made it out of the house today for my Dr's appointment and am hoping to make a short walk around our neighborhood tonight or tomorrow. The Dr put me on blood pressure medicine since its still high so we are carefully monitoring it to make sure I don't have any weird side effects. They are still trying to sort out my anemia issues but girls are doing great and I feel OK so that is all that matters!!
Have a great weekend.
Thanks Holly! We enjoy all the news and the wonderful pictures.
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I am excited to see Kate and Savannah on the blog! They are so adorable and I can't wait to meet them in person!!!