
Saturday, May 31, 2014

One Year

Its officially been one year this week since we moved into 3300 Northampton. Time flies. I am also very thankful to not be lugging around boxes with super swollen feet. :) I think Scott is too!

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I am much happier lugging around 18lbs of smiles. (Technically 17.5 lbs each.) Since it is our first full spring in the house we weren't sure what to do or what to plant. We kind of just winged it this year but I think the end result looks pretty nice. We stuck to pink and red which we typically did in our last house. Most of our plants our on the deck and we have opted to keep the back woods pretty "natural" looking for now. I have envisions of a pretty cool playhouse back there someday but we are still loving the privacy all the trees offer.

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Unfortunately the paver patio that looked so nice last spring crumbled over the winter so we are having it repaired in a few weeks. I am excited to see the upgraded version!




The front is also coming along and has provided a lot color thus far.

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Our goal this weekend is to finish a bit more landscaping. I read an article that for each child a family planted a tree in the yard and then when they were grown so were the trees. Not sure our yard supports that so we are going to plant some hydrangeas for the girls. Plus we hope to enjoy the yard!

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Enjoy the weekend!

Signature Holly


Sunday, May 25, 2014

Playing Catch Up!

Happy Memorial Day! :) We are using this weekend to play catch-up, one of those items included taking the girls 7 month pictures. These were taken between naps and swimming so it wasn't the most exciting photo shoot, but we got a few cute ones in. For some reason 7 months seemed like a bigger milestone to me than 6. I guess its because we have already made it half a year or that they are now sitting, eating real food and have grown even more into their personalities. They have eaten everything from zucchini to mango but their favorites are peas and carrots with green beans coming in close 2nd. For some reason fruit is never a winner but we keep trying. Oh yeah, and unfortunately their inherited their parents straight hair so it looks like they stuck their finger in a light socket right now! Katherine (shown first) continues with her body smile and Savannah with her crazy facial expressions.

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I am still keeping up with their fabric project (1 picture a month) with the hopes to have a nice album by their first birthday. They are not always as into it as their mommy but the outakes are pretty funny too.

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Katherine loves to grab Savannah's toys from her and we think she takes after me because she seems to semi-organize them all to one side so Savannah can't get them. She is very meticulous at choosing them. Savannah on the other hand likes a variety prefers to make a big pile in front of her.



We also celebrated a nice mother's day with a small brunch and my favorite cookies. The girls assisted me with a little craft below with a lavender plant in it as a thank-you to everyone who has helped us the past few months.


They also helped Dad pick out some awesome flowers!

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We have used the past several weekends to fix up the yard and plant flowers. We are almost done. Its taken us a little longer this year as we aren't quite sure where to put things and our schedule is vary different but we are slowly but surely getting it done. Yesterday we were mulching at 8:30am!

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Hope everyone enjoys their Memorial weekend. I am very thankful for the time off. The girls are so fun right now, it actually seems harder and harder to leave them! Here are a few random pics from the week! (Bedtime with Heather, grocery shopping, Baby Einstein movie, swimming and the zoo!)

Signature Holly



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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

A few smiles...

...We recently had the girls professional pictures taken as they crossed the 6 month mark. They were all smiles and seeing the pictures made us pretty happy too. Savannah is in pink, Katherine in purple. (I have a complex about always putting Katherine in we are changing it up!)

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You can view all the pictures here. I think the photographer did a great job of capturing their personalities. Wow, have they grown!



We hope you enjoy their smiles as much as we did.

Signature Holly