Fast forward 8 years and its pretty cool to see our little family. This picture was taken on Father's Day last weekend.
We celebrated and went to brunch at Lindey's (Where we had our reception). It was a perfect morning and we were able to sit on the patio. We are very thankful for Ann and Heather as they watched the girls for a few hours!
The girls are getting so big! They are definitely little people these days and have their own personalities. They are learning to wave and reach for you when you approach them. They also love to play with their little cups and rings. Savannah loves to talk and somehow has mastered rolling her "r"s. We went out to dinner last weekend and she did it the entire 35 minutes we were at the table. Katherine likes to talk a lot too and said DaDa first only to be mimicked by her sister. She is also still the master toy sorter/stealer. She always has a little pile by her lap. They both have teeth although Savannah has 3 bottom ones and Katherine 2.
Savannah Banana...
Miss Katherine as we call her was very interested in the camera.
We also finished our new paver patio...well it still needs sealed but Scott and Heather finished the landscaping this weekend. We need to add the furniture but I think its coming together pretty well! Lots of progress at least!
We planted one hydrangea bush for each of the girls and for Father's Day Heather made a cement handprint with her hand and the girls feet to put next to the one on the patio. We're excited to watch those grow too. (My original idea was 3 trees, but this seemed to fit our yard a little better!) This is short but I have a little helper (Kate) who is deciding not to nap and help me instead. I think she does this so she can get some one on one time. This is the 2nd time today! :)
Enjoy the week.
Happy anniversary! The patio looks great! And 8 months, hard to believe. They're adorable!