
Monday, July 21, 2014

Pictures speak 1000 Words

They say pictures speak 1000 words...for our vacation recap, I am going to let the pictures tell the story. Our trip to Hilton Head, while well planned, went nothing the way we thought. The girls had a very hard time adjusting and took 2+ people on most days to hold it together. 35 years ago I came here for the first time...Last week we celebrated the girls 9 month birthday and what would have been my Dad's 64th. Hilton Head has always been my special place. We didn't make it to all my favorite spots, didn't get a lot of sleep, had a few meltdowns (well a lot) and didn't quite get that family picture I always wanted but we had a few moments to remember.

Needless to say we feel a bit defeated with all the effort that went into the trip and are hoping to come up for air soon. The girls are still teething and not sleeping...this phase cannot get over soon enough! Regardless, even though I am at a loss for words (probably due to lack of sleep!), looking through the pictures make me smile. On a positive note we were able to get a little sun, dip those little cute toes in the sand and spend some time with Heather and Scott's parents. Plus Emily kept us fueled by cooking every night. There were are few special moments and for that I am thankful.

Signature Holly




  1. Very cute!

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  2. Great pictures and video! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Love all the pics! Definitely a new chapter for Hilton Head. Glad to hear overall it was a good trip and you all made it back in one piece!


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