
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

11.5 Months :)

Clearly we are a little late in these pictures but my photo project is almost finished so I couldn't throw in the towel with these just yet! The girls are just a few weeks shy of the big 1 year and I am still in shock that time has gone by so fast.

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The outtakes are kind of my favorite now. Its so hard to get them to sit still!

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"Savannah - We aren't done yet! Come back!"

Oh they have grown so much. I can't wait to see all the pictures come together.

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...and we are all feeling much better (minus some minor teething/separation/whining issues!). Here's to a better week.

Signature Holly


  1. So fun! I can't believe how time flies!

  2. Oh my god,your little girls are absolutely adorable! Those chubby cheeks and little hands and feet are killing me. They have gotten so big, cutie pies!


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