Everyone managed to get the stomach flu right before Thanksgiving and Scott ended up with a kidney stone which definitely made it a memorable holiday weekend. We did manage to fit in a few visits with Great Grandma though and all the Grandparents. Thankfully the girls slept pretty decent on our trip which hopefully fingers crossed will lead to a non-eventful Christmas! They loved playing with all the dogs (Katherine giggles every time Gracie runs around her).

The girls are walking everywhere, chasing each other and learning all kinds of sounds and how to make faces. Katherine's favorite is to snort like a pig! After Thanksgiving we jumped right into Christmas and started to decorate and most importantly visited Santa. This was their first visit as we didn't take them last year. (Im pretty sure we hadn't left the house yet last year!) Katherine is not a fan. Completely freaks out everytime. Savannah, seems unphased. I guess we will keep working with Katherine! We picked out our tree last weekend and saw Santa and this weekend went to the Franklin Park Conservatory and had breakfast with Santa. The best part of the breakfast was we got to walk around the conservatory. Its such a gorgeous place. I hope to take the girls back again!

We decorated outside quite a bit too but I just realized I haven't taken any pictures! Coming soon. :)

Poor Katherine. Savannah actually enjoyed the Santa experience.

It should be noted Katherine also ran herself into a wall right before the first Santa visit so I don't think that helped much. They love looking at the Christmas lights and we had a fun time decorating this year. I also got a new camera lens so I have been playing around with some close up pics of the family. (As if I am already not taking enough pictures...this has amplified the effort! I just love it!)

Those sweet faces I just can't get enough of. And they change so fast! Another benefit was getting some cool pics of the plants and decor at the conservatory.

The poinsettias were just amazing. And so bright and colorful. And of course Santa...this time both were not 100% sure.

Santa was so nice and accommodating. I think his beard was real too, which makes me believe just a little bit in the magic of Santa :) Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season. There you have it...a few weeks in review...and lots of pictures!
Happy Holidays!

You guys have had a lot going on! Glad to hear everyone is feeling better! Congrats to Heather on her license!