
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Sugar Free Toddler Easter Gifts!

Everyone loves a good Reese Egg. Myself included. I pretty much just stare at them all day at work and not eat. Do not eat. As a way to distract myself from over indulging this weekend, I picked up some sugar-free presents for the girls on Amazon Prime to stuff their Easter Baskets with.

Color Wonder --> This is the most genius invention ever. We are stocking up!

Stickers --> You can never have too many. For under $8 you can get 500! (As if I need another reason to like Prime!

Melissa and Doug --> This is a great brand and their products have really held up well for us. I picked up some mini yard tools and a broom/mop set for the girls. Ironically they LOVE cleaning and are in a phase where they like to do everything we do. So I figured, why not let them REALLY help! :)

Books --> We are slowly outgrowing the baby books so I picked up some in between ones with some awesome messages. They encourage creative thinking and big dreaming!

Bunnies --> Yes, you have to have a stuffed rabbit. As they would say. He has big ears, a big nose, big toes and a big tummy!

Our visit to the Easter Bunny on the other hand did not go so well. We just like to look from a far and then come home and talk about it. Maybe next year!!

And don't worry, we didn't leave big sister out. She just can handle her sugar a little better! :) 

Two peas in a pod :)

Happy Easter!

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