
Sunday, July 24, 2016

The Passion Project! :) One on One Coaching just for YOU!

I am super excited to be launching this mini little passion of mine and sort of want to just shout it from the rooftops! So I figured blogging about it would be better. For those of you that have followed me for a while you know that coaching has become a true passion of mine. When I think about what I like about it best, its the one on one interaction I have with each client. SO, I have decided to make it a little more personal!

Introducing the PASSION PROJECT! One on one coaching that entails a daily dose of healthy inspiration to inspire you to reach your personal goals and passions. Because when you feel better, you are better. And you can conquer anything. We kick things off with a personal one on one coaching call and then work together for 60 days getting you one step closer to reaching your health, fitness and overall lifestyle goals. Get balanced. Find you passion! Pretty awesome right?

Sign-up for a personal one on one health and fitness consultation (which is free) and we will create a health and fitness plan together to fit your lifestyle!

  • A personal one on one call or meeting with ME (15-20 minutes)
  • Discussion of your fitness and health goals
  • Review of what has and hasn't worked for you in the past (in terms of nutrition, fitness and overall balance)
  • Recommendations for a plan customized to you including accountability to stay on track
  • Resources I use everyday to help me stay on track
  • Next steps for the 60 day enrollment (if applicable)
There is no obligation for the initial call and its 100% free. This is just the first step to find what works for you! All feedback is 100% private. All coaching is done virtually or in person depending on location. 

You can sign-up below or email me at and we will find a time that works for you!

1 comment:

  1. I've always believed you can get closer to the truth by pretending not to speak it. See the link below for more info.



Thank you for your comment. As a reminder, all opinions on this site are my own.