
Saturday, October 15, 2016

Snapshots from Sundance

Its been almost a week since I have returned from my trip out west and I am still basking in the post mountain glow. There is something about the crisp mountain air in the fall...or maybe the fact that I slept 8 hours for a few days in a row, or the fact that I was surrounded by such amazing energy. Regardless, its something I will truly never forget!

Do you ever get that feeling in your gut when you are about to do something amazing but you are a good way of what will happen when  you do it? That is how I felt a year and a half ago when I signed up to be a coach. I knew it was an amazing opportunity. Something that was going to push me to be a better wife, mom, co-worker and friend.  After a lot of focus, and dedication. We took a weekend to celebrate our success and plan our year for next year! I was eligible to travel on this amazing trip with my fellow coaches. (aka, it was all expenses paid!) 

I feel like it was destiny that led me to this amazing group. We are moms, wives, doctors, lawyers, nurses, teachers and overall hard workers. We stay up late some nights and get up super early most mornings to make this work, but let me tell you. If I could bottle this weekend up and share it would the world I could. It was one of the most surreal, self-developing trips I have experienced in a long time. I cannot wait to take my family back. 

We kicked off the weekend in an amazing house. As when I say amazing, I mean it was for sale for a cool $7 million. There was over 3,000 square feet of deck around the house alone. 

Oh and this was our backyard!

We hiked, cooked along side a private chef and even had the opportunity to meet with a leadership coach and travel to the Beachbody headquarters. On top of that we had professional pictures taken to use for our business. Pretty awesome right? I feel so blessed to have these women in my life. We support one another, pick each other up with times get tough, and oh yeah, have a lot of fun! Work hard, play hard right? 

Until next year! 

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