But first, a little history. Before twins, I used to be a runner. I would run pretty much 3-4 times a week. I have ran 6 half marathons, countless 5ks and a few 10Ks over the last 10 years. But after I had the girls everything with running went out the window. My body hurt. My knees hurt. My mid-section I didn't think would ever be the same....you get the idea. Plus, I didn't have time to workout 90 minutes a day. So I stopped. And honestly I am thankful I did, because my 30 minute HIIT training has been very successful (and much less time consuming for me).
(Disney Princess Half Marathon)
But, looking back I realized, it doesn't have to be one or the other. So I am challenging myself this March to run a 5K sometime this spring. Nothing crazy, just to get back at it slowly. I worked on combining my favorite strength training workouts with a little bit of running. I also added in a little bit of ab work to continue to work on that core!
You can try this plan and access these workouts for free for 30 days here. I am excited to try something a little new, but a little nervous on how its going to go! You can follow along on FB or Instagram to see how it turns out! My nutrition plan still follows the 21 Day Fix program focusing on lean proteins, fruits, veggies and limited healthy carbs. (The meal plans are here).
And since we are talking about running, lets face it, the calories burned in a short amount of time are totally worth it. Pick a goal, and run towards it! :) It is one of the most efficient forms of exercise. And the best part. No equipment needed.
Here is what motivates me! Happy March!
p.s. Need a little boost of motivation to get started? I recently created this template with my clients to set some monthly goals. You can download it for free here.