
Monday, May 20, 2013

16 Weeks and Counting....

In my attempt to document my pregnancy (about 4 months late), I have given the blog a bit of a makeover and added a "baby" page.  Between morning sickness which lasted a full 10 weeks and moving, I decided to take the afternoon off today and catch up on life. I actually made it to the gym (and starred down all the cute pregnant women who were busting their butts in BodyPump...the Elliptical is more my speed), Scott and I worked on selling some of our older furniture and made it to a few new furniture stores to start working on the new house.  So here are a few updates that are long overdue!



We closed on Friday (long story there) and are in full packing mode. I would say the house is 90% complete thanks to Scott. We officially start the move process on Friday and finish it up the following weekend when the formal movers come.


I am so reluctant to say "twins" because I keep reading my twin books that you should keep the separated and establish their own identities.  For now Baby A and Baby B will have to do. We find out on June 3rd the gender when we get to go for a anatomy scan at the hospital. I have read that this takes almost an hour which means we get the treat of seeing the babies on a big screen for 60 minutes! Some days I feel more pregnant than others, but after 10 weeks of morning sickness (which was more like all day and night sickness) I am so thankful to be feeling more like myself!

6 Weeks16 Weeks


Weight Gained: 10 lbs. Scary. I am right on track based on the 1.5-2lb a week estimate for twins. (Maximum would be 16 lbs at this point.)

Exercise: I made a workout calendar and have been aiming for 3-4 times a week although some weeks in the beginning I only made it to 2. I have been doing Tracey Andersen's Pregnancy Project as well as walking, yoga and the elliptical. I miss biking so much. Next year.

Symptoms: Tired a lot. Don't sleep well. Traveled this past week for work and decided to finish the new Kristen Hannah book. I wept the whole ride home (which was at 12:30am) most likely due to a sad book and just overall exhaustion. By 1am I was analyzing our entire move! (Thankfully I only have one trip left for work.)

Movement: None, although the doctor last Monday said they were moving all over the place.

Food Cravings: None. In fact have had more food aversions (i.e. meat) then anything. For once in my life food is just a necessity and doesn't really taste great at all. So weird. I kind of hope that sticks! For about a month I couldn't even look at chicken but now if I put lots of ketchup on it, its OK. Salads, vegetables and smoothies have been the best meals.

Looking Forward To: Finding out the gender. I am literally dreaming about it at night (i.e. nursery, names etc.)  I cannot wait! I also am very ready to move and to get working on that nursery which oddly I have no idea what I am going to do with.

New Baby Items: None purchased. Tim and Megan gave us these cute little bootie socks this weekend though! I have realized however that maternity dresses look like tents and I am much better off with more form fitting outfits for now. Otherwise I look like I have a beer gut.

So there you go. I hope to be writing more often or at least on a weekly/monthly basis after the move!

Signature Holly

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