
Friday, February 21, 2014

I heart February

Wow, where has the month gone! I am behind in pictures once again but here are a few favorites from this month!

Heather had her winter formal and went with her good friend Kensie.






The girls posed for a few Valentine's pics...the outtakes are pretty funny :) They also turned 4 months. (I hope to get those pictures this weekend!)

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And I had a birthday, the girls signed their first card and Heather even made me one for me. Scott got me a juicer and a Fit Bit so I am looking forward to playing with my new toys this weekend. (They had their own little party as you can see below!)

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We are definitely looking forward to some warm weather so we can break that stroller out and start going on some runs (and not in the basement!)

Thank you for all the wonderful birthday wishes! Heather is playing in a big tennis tournament this weekend, so fingers crossed she does well!
Signature Holly



  1. Great pictures!


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  2. I love the updates! You look great! Heather's dress is very cute, I hope she had a good tennis tournament this wkend. And you will love your fit bit!!! (I'm obsessed with mine).


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