
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Trader Joe's Haul --> Summertime Version!

Trader Joe's is always one of our favorite spots so every few months I try to highlight what we buy. When I was in graduate school I did a research paper on Trader's Joe's customer service. Little fact. They design their store to be like a "treasure hunt" and purposefully switch in new seasonal products all the time in limited quantities so you always come back looking for more! So fun right?

Yes, we frequent the wine section. And eat snacks while we shop! :) Here are some of our summertime favorites!

--> Wine! 
I am loving the New Zealand and Australian Sauvignon Blancs this summer. Light and crisp!

--> Hummus. 
We have lots of zucchini and peppers in our garden and this is the perfect snack!

--> Nuts. 
And more nuts. I am addicted to their trail mix varieties + lots of almonds

--> Fruit Wraps. 
The girls love these and they are 100% organic

--> Cranberry Coconut and Gorgonzola Crackers. 
The husband LOVEs the gorgonzola variety. The cranberry coconut were a last minute purchase but SO good and a great seasonal treat.

--> Mini Potatoes.
Perfect for Sunday night flank steak!

--> Organic Fruit Pouches.
A total necessity for on the go toddlers.

--> Buffalo Burgers.
A perfect weeknight dinner that is super easy. Their sweet potato fries are awesome to pair with this!

--> Fresh and Frozen Fruit.
The best price for berries we can find anywhere. 

-->Greek Yogurt.
The coconut cream yogurt is hands down the best coconut yogurt I have ever had. And its 0% fat. :) 

-->ABC Cookies.
Another toddler necessity!

I hope you enjoy these recommendations! I honestly could buy the entire store most days!! 

Sunday, July 24, 2016

The Passion Project! :) One on One Coaching just for YOU!

I am super excited to be launching this mini little passion of mine and sort of want to just shout it from the rooftops! So I figured blogging about it would be better. For those of you that have followed me for a while you know that coaching has become a true passion of mine. When I think about what I like about it best, its the one on one interaction I have with each client. SO, I have decided to make it a little more personal!

Introducing the PASSION PROJECT! One on one coaching that entails a daily dose of healthy inspiration to inspire you to reach your personal goals and passions. Because when you feel better, you are better. And you can conquer anything. We kick things off with a personal one on one coaching call and then work together for 60 days getting you one step closer to reaching your health, fitness and overall lifestyle goals. Get balanced. Find you passion! Pretty awesome right?

Sign-up for a personal one on one health and fitness consultation (which is free) and we will create a health and fitness plan together to fit your lifestyle!

  • A personal one on one call or meeting with ME (15-20 minutes)
  • Discussion of your fitness and health goals
  • Review of what has and hasn't worked for you in the past (in terms of nutrition, fitness and overall balance)
  • Recommendations for a plan customized to you including accountability to stay on track
  • Resources I use everyday to help me stay on track
  • Next steps for the 60 day enrollment (if applicable)
There is no obligation for the initial call and its 100% free. This is just the first step to find what works for you! All feedback is 100% private. All coaching is done virtually or in person depending on location. 

You can sign-up below or email me at and we will find a time that works for you!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Insanity!?!? Yes you Can --> My Results! 👊

What if we lived in a world where scales didn't matter, sizes weren't discussed and the focus was all about living healthy, living a happy balanced life and having a little fun? I just wrapped my Insanity Max 30 program (which is 8 weeks long) and my goal was to NOT focus on the scale, learn some new workouts and have a little fun. In fact, I only lost 3lbs. I did 30 minute workouts everyday, ate clean (for the most part) and took before and after pics. I moved my workouts outside for the summer, learned how to master a workout without equipment (I didn't pick up a weight for 2 months!), mastered the burpee and learned how to do diamond jumps. The results. Pretty motivating if you ask me! 

The program was hard. There were days when I simply laid in child's pose because I could not do another burpee. At the end of the program however I had a renewed confidence, strength and motivation that your body can truly transform if you let it. (Can you see the difference in that smile in my picture!?!?) Pictures tell 1,000 words. And I can rock the burpees now!
I share this because I was not perfect. In fact I probably give myself a C on the meal planning. I was sick for 4 weeks of this (double sinus infection), planned a graduation party for 150 people continued to work a full time job + have twin toddlers. You don't have to be perfect. You just have to make progress.

I am very proud of my progress and I hope this inspires you to stick with your goals, your journey and realize that its just little actions everyday that makes a difference!

p.s You can see some of the meal plans I follow here

Friday, July 1, 2016

5 Things - July Edition!

Three cheers for a LONG weekend! I don't know about you but I am super excited to sit back and enjoy the summer for a few days! (Along with all the 4th of July festivities of course!) I get very inspired at the beginning of the month. I feel like its a fresh start with new goals and a new beginning. I thought it would be fun to share some of the things I am loving!

Energy Balls!
Can we chat for a moment about energy balls? I don't know what took me so long to get on this trend but that are amazing!! This specific recipe is paleo friendly! YUM!

I added chocolate chips to make them a little extra tasty! I also just used my blender to blend up the ingredients in case you don't have a food processor. They took about 10 minutes to make. I store them in my freezer for late afternoon or post workout snacks!

Summer Skincare Routine!
I have REALLY bad dark spots from being pregnant and sun exposure. I recently tried both Beauty Counter and Kate Ryan and LOVE it. Kate Ryan is a local brand and I am in awe of her packaging and customer service. Beauty Counter is a new company and their charcoal mask at night works miracles. I have been using both consistently for about a week and noticed MAJOR difference. Yeah for summer skin!

Ice Cream!
I have been modifying my diet a bit to not include as much dairy or gluten. So I make this recipe with coconut milk and it is AMAZING.

You can also make popsicles out of it if you keep the banana the same, increase the liquid to 10 ounces and decrease the protein powder to 1 scoop and the peanut butter to 1 tablespoon. I use these containers from Amazon.

Dresses are so easy in the summer. I have been wearing a lot more lately and so have the girls! I love my latest Stitch Fix which includes several maxi dresses. I love their article on how to style the dresses for both work and play! Old Navy has awesome dresses for the girls too!

Summer Reads!
I am on a mission to read several books this summer especially as we head off to the beach soon! I just started this one and am super excited to get into it. Talk about some motivation!

AND as a little bonus, here is a fun treat to make for the 4th of July! Have an amazing weekend!

(source: Skinnytaste)