
Sunday, July 10, 2016

Insanity!?!? Yes you Can --> My Results! 👊

What if we lived in a world where scales didn't matter, sizes weren't discussed and the focus was all about living healthy, living a happy balanced life and having a little fun? I just wrapped my Insanity Max 30 program (which is 8 weeks long) and my goal was to NOT focus on the scale, learn some new workouts and have a little fun. In fact, I only lost 3lbs. I did 30 minute workouts everyday, ate clean (for the most part) and took before and after pics. I moved my workouts outside for the summer, learned how to master a workout without equipment (I didn't pick up a weight for 2 months!), mastered the burpee and learned how to do diamond jumps. The results. Pretty motivating if you ask me! 

The program was hard. There were days when I simply laid in child's pose because I could not do another burpee. At the end of the program however I had a renewed confidence, strength and motivation that your body can truly transform if you let it. (Can you see the difference in that smile in my picture!?!?) Pictures tell 1,000 words. And I can rock the burpees now!
I share this because I was not perfect. In fact I probably give myself a C on the meal planning. I was sick for 4 weeks of this (double sinus infection), planned a graduation party for 150 people continued to work a full time job + have twin toddlers. You don't have to be perfect. You just have to make progress.

I am very proud of my progress and I hope this inspires you to stick with your goals, your journey and realize that its just little actions everyday that makes a difference!

p.s You can see some of the meal plans I follow here

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