
Thursday, December 29, 2016

Why I don't believe in New Year Resolutions....AND my solution to reach your goals!

It's that time, where everyone starts to think about New Year's Resolutions. And I simply don't do them. I don't believe in New Year's resolutions...mostly because I never stick to them. Just being honest...And why set yourself up to continue down the same cycle over and over again? What I do believe in is finding something that works over time. Something that you can stick with and that is a lifestyle change. Not a quick fix.
I always get asked how I got the results I did. The truth. I showed up everyday. And still do. Some days are better than others, some months better than others, but each day I have a plan to follow. I have tools that I have learned and motivation from my coaches and clients to keep me going.

I share this because it's not a 3 day program, a 15 day program or a 28 day program. Its the mindset that you want to be healthier and the ability to get up each morning to try. That is it.

What can you do to be successful this year?  Follow the P.A.S.T. approach. 

1) PLAN. Come up with a plan for the next month. If that seems too overwhelming make a plan for the next week. Take it one step at a time. Even if you have to do it day by day. 

2) ARRANGE YOUR ENVIRONMENT. Having a space to execute your plan is key. Clean your office. Set out your workout clothes the night before. Move your alarm to the other side of the room...and clean your room. Decluttering and organizing will help you get motivated and stay motivated. 

3) STICK TO ONE THING. Don't take on the world. Even though you can, you will be more successful trying one thing at a time. Maybe it's getting up 10 minutes earlier. OR doing 3 workouts a week instead of 7.  Set yourself to be able to achieve your goals.  For me, its having a space to workout out in at home as well as 30 minute workouts. Nothing more. 

4) TOO EASY TO FAIL.  Make sure you don't fail. Period. Find an accountability partner. Share you progress. Write things down.  I am using the "Goal Getter" journal to keep me on track and my fitness group to keep me accountable. We check in everyday. No excuses. 

My most important tip is to know where you are in life. It's OK not to run a marathon, or have a color-coded meal planning sheet. Do what makes sense for you. Maybe its a simple as eating more vegetables. Or taking a walk daily. Make your goals what you need. 

Hope you have a happy New Year!!

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